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International Cycling Conference 2017

// DE //

Die International Cycling Conference (ICC) ist eine interdisziplinäre und internationale Konferenz des Umweltbundesamtes sowie der Partner PASTA, THE PEP, der Stadt Mannheim, der ECF, dem DIFU und der GIZ. Das dreitägige Event im Mannheimer Schloss beleuchtet mit einem breiten Programm die Rolle der aktiven Mobilität aus einer internationalen Perspektive. Mit dem Fokus auf Synergien zwischen Verkehrsplanung, Gesundheitsvorsorge, Umweltqualität, wirtschaftlicher Entwicklung sowie sozialer Faktoren steht der Austausch von Wissen und Erfahrung aus Forschung und Praxis im Vordergrund – in 10 thematischen Sessions, diversen Keynote- und Panelrunden, Radtouren und Abendveranstaltungen.

Weitere Details & Registrierung unter:

Hier finden Sie den Flyer und das Programm!!


// EN//

The International Cycling Conference (ICC) is an interdisciplinary and international conference organized by the German Environment Agency (UBA) together with our partners from European co-funded PASTA project (Physical Activity through Sustainable Transport Approaches) and THE PEP (Transport, Health and Environment Pan-European Programme) as well as the City of Mannheim, ECF, Difu and GIZ. The ICC is a three-day event organised to highlight the role of active mobility from an international perspective. The event will focus on synergies in transport planning, health care, environmental quality, economic benefits, as well as social issues and above all the exchange of knowledge and experience from research to practice and vice versa. More than 60 speakers and a lot of posters will represent the thematic diversity of active mobility.

Bridging the Gap

International researchers and practitioners will be meeting to discuss the role of active mobility in the modern world, and will include academic, political and practitioner led thinking strategies. A cutting-edge format will bring together representatives from both research and practice and present active mobility as a sector of action and research.

200 years of cycling

In 1817, Karl Drais invented the bicycle in Mannheim. Celebrate the 200th anniversary with us in its hometown by joining the International Cycling Conference 2017. Experience numerous bicycle activities as well as projects throughout the city, meet like-minded cycle enthusiasts, researchers and practitioners from around the world and contribute to shaping the next 200years of active mobility.

Registration & more information:


International Cycling Conference 2017



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